Monday, April 07, 2008

A Weekend With the WMU: or how Joe McKeever finally caught up with me.

I've spoken to WMU groups in various places and at various times and my favorite by far is when I'm given the opportunity to speak with WMU in my home state. I've matured far past my disdain for Louisiana as an adolescent. I think we all go through that stage in our lives when we think where we live is the pits and anywhere else is better that where we are. Today, I wear Louisiana with pride and love the land, the people, the food, and the culture. So, I had a great time this past weekend meeting with and speaking to the annual gathering of WMU at their state meeting in Baton Rouge. This group is like family. I grew up in front of some of these ladies, which they were quick to point out. I've lived in their towns. Jaime and I have attended churches with some. I've even had the privilege of serving in ministry with a few of them. Honestly, this was probably the most relaxed I've been while speaking to a group, unlike my friend Lonnie Wascom, Director of Missions for the Northshore, who said he was the most nervous he'd ever been (he said it from the pulpit, I'm not ratting him out.) All in all, Jaime and I enjoyed our time at the meeting and felt the love and prayers of the WMU ladies who were in attendance. Where would we be without the WMU? As for the Joe McKeever bit in the title of this entry, I've never made it known where and when I'm speaking for fear he might show up. Yes,yes, I confess. It's true. I think a lot of him and his opinion. However, this time I couldn't avoid it. Oh well.

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