When Jaime left for downtown early in the morning on Dec. 11, the air outside was cold, the clouds were thick over head and light showers were expected throughout the day. Boy, were they wrong! I would be at my home office working away for the next two hours while, unbeknownst to me, cold, wet, white stuff fell from the sky and quickly accumulated on the ground and anywhere it would stick. There I sat in my own little world, staring into a computer screen and listening to the tap, tap, tap of the keyboard while one of the most beautiful scenes in all creation was happening outside my window. Lucky for me, there's this thing called Facebook on the internet. I usually have it open at various times during the day while I'm working so I can see what my friends are up to. It’s a welcome distraction, one that informed me that things were happening outside I wasn't aware of. Updated statuses began popping up on screen. So-and-So says "It’s snowing!!!!!" What’s-Her-Face "is building a snowman." I stopped and looked behind me at the window with the roman shade pulled down and wondered what I would see when I peaked at the other side.
Weather is so fickle in Southeast Louisiana that I was afraid all I would see was gray skies, dead grass, and my neighbor out in his driveway having a smoke. My head flew back and my mouth opened wide to let out a huge belly laugh the moment my eyes caught site of my yard blanketed in white with huge flakes falling fast. There's something about snow for us in the Deep South that brings instant euphoria. I ran out into the backyard and stood their in the frigid air, big grin on my face, eyes blinking, still laughing. I wished Jaime were home so we could enjoy the snow together. I called my parents, who live in almost five hours north, to rub it in. Snow in the New Orleans area is a once in 10-20 year event. December 11 made the second snow fall within four years. That's a lot of snow for us. We could get used to this if it snows again by 2012. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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