I bet you're like me. This time of the year gets absolutely crazy and you feel like your going to lose your holiday mind. I tell myself every year that this go-around will be different. I'll get better control of my schedule and say no to a few bring a covered dish, can good, white elephant gift, and $10 to cover the rest family fun social holiday gatherings. I love a good party, but only in moderation. I tell myself I'll get my shopping done early. Then I look at my calender and realize I probably won't do that either. I tell myself I'll watch what I eat, but I just can't see it all when it goes by so fast. I also tell myself that I'll be more grateful. I'll stop and reflect on what God has done and give Him more than my usual passing expression of thanks. I'm usually like a teenager yelling "Thanks Dad" over my shoulder as I head out the door having just secured the car keys or a fist-full of unearned money for a night out with my friends. However, when I take in what God's providence has provided, I'm awestruck. I saw the blessings pour in. I stood helplessly as Katrina took them away. I learned, really learned, that Jesus is all-sufficient. I watched with great humility as He, again, poured out His blessings. I used to spend Thanksgiving being grateful for living in the United States, having a house and cars, having jobs that pay well enough to not worry about bills, and so on. Although I'm extremely thankful for all this, our time with nothing more than Jesus put things into perspective. All life owes its existence to a good and gracious God who loves us beyond comprehension. To this day I can't wrap my mind around the cross and the new life it brought me. I cannot fathom the greatness of my salvation; what it cost, what it covers. Nothing I think I own compares. Despite my foolishness, I'm forgiven. Despite my shame, I'm being sanctified. Despite the grief I've caused, I experience grace. True life flows from Christ and to Him alone, although with inadequate words, I express my ultimate thanks.
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