Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Memories of Emma Lou Rhymes (1927-2007)

the old farm place ............ electric fence .................

my cousins and I scraping the frost from her old freezer to make Coke snow balls

......Unchal........ those pointy-tip glasses she wore back in the day

.... picking names for Christmas ..... that cat of hers that Daddy loved to torment

her collection of bells ....... her travel adventures with Aunt Hedy

.."Hello my Darlin'"..... coffee ............

..........her love for each and every member of her family ...

.....the interesting nurse related object scattered throughout the house

............that time my brother kicked her to make her stop snoring

.............her time working in Baton Rouge ...........

talking to her on the phone .... stories about growing up Daddy had "forgotten"

...her graduation from Alcorn .............

her positive spirit even as her health failed

1 comment:

Lou Ann said...

David Wayne, I LOVE YOU!!!

Love, Aunt Lou