Thanks to the work of my friend Don Snipes, Operation NOAH Area Manager from the Southern Baptist Convention of Texas, a new work has been discovered. Don was able to build a relationship with a lady named Doris who was in need of home repairs due to Katrina. Through that relationship, Doris, her daughter, and granddaughter were led to faith in Christ. Now, Doris and her daughter are anxious to grow in the Lord. Just so you know, I usually have to ask about starting a Bible study at a particular location. In Doris' case, she offered her home as if it were the next logical step. Not only that, but she asked me how we could "get this (the Gospel) to the children and youth in this neighborhood." This is a missionary's dream. This past week, with the help of a volunteer team, we were able to spend a week ministering at and from Doris' still unfinished home. We prayer walked every street in her neighborhood, held a community cookout, and conducted a two day Kid's Club. This is only the beginning. Through these activities, we found several people in the area that were interested in attending the home Bible study once it begins. Don't you want a Doris or two in your church?
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