Friday, March 14, 2008

Larry Norman - Goodbye, Farewell

Inspirational. Controversial. Eccentric. Whatever opinion you held about Larry Norman, there is no denying the profound impact he had on Christian music. At a time when the only spiritual music available for young people were choruses and camp songs, Larry emerged on the scene with rock rhythms and potent lyrics that took the message of Christ to the air waves as well as the street. Like the great hymnist Issac Watts had done centuries before, Larry took the message he loved so much and put it to the popular music of the time. A child of the 60's, Larry's long hair and rock music was condemned by the church but embraced by the culture. He was well respected as an artist by the likes of Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead but despite such praise from high-profile musicians, Larry stuck with his evangelistic message. "He really could have been a star if he were singing about something other than Jesus," remarked Chris Willman, senior music writer for Entertainment Weekly, when reflecting on Larry's career. Unfortunately, Larry's final years were spent in poor health. In a final statement to his fans just days before his death, Larry said "I feel like a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks with God's hand reaching down to pick me up...I am ready to fly home." Although his presence in the music industry has been absent for several years, Larry's death leaves a void that will be felt for quite some time. As for me, Larry Norman was an imperfect man who was way ahead of his time and although I didn't agree with some of his political views I found myself profoundly affected and inspired by his music and his uncompromising message of salvation through Christ alone. I am truly sad he is gone. Larry, we love you and our prayers are with your friends and family. See you at the throne of God.

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