Friday, November 09, 2007

If Charlie Brown Grew Oranges

Pitiful isn't it. Some have said its cute but I can't help but feel sorry for it. I thought it would be cool to have a fruit tree in our backyard so I purchased a satsuma orange tree from Home Depot planted it back in the spring. I chose satsuma because we grow them in this part of the state, particularly down in Plaquemines Parish. It had a lot more branches when I planted it. However, as it bloomed and oranges began to form, all non-orange baring limbs died. Thus I was left with an orange three Charles Schultz would be proud of. If I wanted a conversation piece for the backyard I definitely got it in this sad looking satsuma. I hope it will survive "harvest" and bounce back this spring. I admit that I have to admire it for hanging on despite its current condition. I suppose that is why I can't help but find myself cheering the little guy on. Everyone loves and underdog.

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