Friday, July 13, 2007

One of My Favorite Things

I love R.A. Camp! For those of you who don't know, R.A.s (Royal Ambassadors) is a Southern Baptist program for grade school boys with an emphasis on godly virtues and missions. I've developed a relationship with Eugene and Debi Morris, managers of Judson Baptist Retreat Center, and have the opportunity to be the featured missionary each summer at a different camp they host. This summer it was R.A. camp and I had a blast. I grew up in R.A.s and currently lead the R.A. chapter at our church. God blessed me in a special way this year when a boy named Larry accepted Christ during one of my mission sessions. That was a first. Larry lived in the lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans until Katrina but now he and his family are in Pineville (central Louisiana). It's amazing how God brings people together to accomplish His will. Here I was 100 miles away from New Orleans and I have the opportunity to lead a displaced New Orleans resident to Christ. Amazing.

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