Goodness gracious me. Where do I start? Perhaps the best place to start is to say, "Thank You Lord for your strength, mercy, protection, grace, discernment, love, peace, presence, and so much more over the past five days. Thank You for the countless opportunities to engage people, pray with them, tell them of Your love and, yes, care for their physical needs when the revelry left them abandoned and abused on the streets. Thank You for sending godly men and women to go out into the darkness to quietly love and even compel people to trust You. Thank You for those places of refuge where Your Word and our worship brought emotional, spiritual and physical rest and healing. Thank You for always winning even when certain brothers and sisters make a horse's rear end of themselves and the rest of us because they fail to love. Thank You for sending believers to places we've not been and in numbers we've not had before to touch people we've too long ignored. Thank You for working in the hearts of men and women who came to this city to lose themselves but instead found You. Thank you for putting us before drunks, punks and movie stars to share your love. Thank You for loving every vulgar, intoxicated, puke-soaked reveler enough to die for their sins. Thank You for loving us just as much." When it all begins and ends with Jesus Christ, what else is there to say?
Here are some pics from the Quarter.
BCM students sharing trough song and testimony
The Cross
Breakfast at Viuex Carre Baptist