Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas

Blessings to you as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

-David & Jaime Rhymes-

Monday, December 17, 2007

Port Sulphur Bapt. Addresses Medical Needs

If you're geographically challenged concerning the New Orleans area, let me go ahead and mention that Port Sulphur is a good piece down the road in Plaquemines Parish. Its about a two hour dive from our home in LaPlace to Port Sulphur Baptist Church. Due to Katrina, Port Sulphur is now the southern most church in our association. The fact that its still there is a testimoney to the strong call pastor Lynn Rodrigue feels to server Christ in this area. Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish and the resulting devastation didn't leave much. People struggle to rebuild their lives in this isolated region of the state. Because of the lack of infrastructure to meet many of the area's basic needs, the members of Port Sulphur Baptist decided to host an area wide health fair and supply give-away. By partnering with area businesses, organizations, and church volunteers, Port Sulphur was able to offer such services as blood pressure checks, eye exams, health screenings, and hair cuts. Household supplies were also given out to each family that attended. It was quite a site to see wheelbarrow loads of supplies being loaded into the vehicles of some very grateful individuals. I took the time to visit with many of those in attendance as they waited in line for their supplies. We talked recovery, shrimping, Saints' football, the uncommonly warm weather, and many other things. We also talked about belonging to God's family and I encouraged as many as I could to visit Sunday services at Port Sulphur and to get to know Lynn. Children of all ages enjoyed the bonus of having Joe McKeever, our Director of Missions, on hand to draw their portrait. The event was an overall success and gave Port Sulphur Baptist many prospects for follow-up in the days to come.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Homelessness in N.O. & Southern Baptist Response

Read how Southern Baptist are addressing the mounting homeless issue in New Orleans.

Not Ya Mama's Church

On December 8, the Louisiana WMU joined BAGNO once again to participate in the final prayer walk of 2007. The previous five were a blessing both to us and the church and community where we prayed and this one was no different. However, it was different in some regards. God laid it on my heart to pray for Sojourn, the first church planted in the city after Katrina. Their pastor, James Welch, and his core team have put down roots in a part of our city that is one of the least favorable to the Gospel. Magazine Street is a key corridor through what is known as The Lower Garden District. Walk a few blocks down Magazine and its many galleries, boutiques, and coffee shops and you'll see the type of environment that attracts a group of people known as Cultural Creatives. This subgroup of the post modern generation is the target for Sojourn's compassion and Gospel witness. They have spent the last year and a half in this community building relationships and establishing a legitimate presence among their neighbors through The Convergence Center for the Arts. This hard, and necessary work has led them to the point of being ready to begin having worship services in January '08. So it seemed a good time to walk the streets and lift up in prayer Sojourn, James, and the work they have done in Christ's name. Not many churches meet in art galleries but that is exactly where Sojourn will gather together as the body of Christ. Sojourn is reaching out to a segment of our population that is strategically important for the spiritual transformation of New Orleans so please continue to lift them up in prayer.

Monday, December 03, 2007

A Birthday Reminder

Dr. Mark Tolbert, seminary professor and local interim pastor, shared an important truth with his congregation during the Sunday morning service at First Baptist Kenner. As we move full force into the Christmas season, Dr. Tolbert reminded those present just whose birthday we were celebrating. With all the gifts we buy for kids, grand kids, family, and friends, it may seem like its anybodies birthday but the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas is one of the best times to share our faith but, we too, can get so wrapped up in office parties, shopping, travel, decorating, and yes, even church, that we push Christ into the background and miss opportunities to share the good news of great joy that is for all people. Let's use Christmas (by the way, it is still officially Christmas despite what the ACLU thinks) as a means to share Christ with others. Get involved in a Christmas related ministry (toy giveaway, food for the needy, etc) if your church has one. Organize one if they don't. Have your Sunday School or small group offer free gift wrap at the local mall or shopping center. Get to know your neighbors by bringing them homemade cookies with a note that expresses the true meaning of Christmas. If you're on church staff, choose a Christmas program that will communicate the Gospel and spend more time inviting your community than catering to church members who will come anyway. There are many possibilities and endless opportunities so let's spend our time wisely this Christmas and make known the time when God invaded history and made a way for our salvation.